Restaurant Evaluation
To get a complete picture of how your restaurant staff operates when you aren’t around, you need the right tools at your disposal. Anonymous restaurant auditing allows you to get an experienced restaurant auditor on the inside where your employees remain unaware and can act how they usually would on an average night.
With an exemplary hospitality secret shopper program in place, you can ensure that your team receives a thorough restaurant evaluation that measures how they handle busy, high-stress nights associated with the restaurant industry. Having the ability to navigate the variety of customers your establishment sees in one night while your staff remains professional, courteous, and helpful remains the goal for your team, and our anonymous restaurant audits can help ensure that’s what’s happening on a given night.
Our hospitality secret shopper team features experienced restaurant reviewers that know what to look for when conducting an audit. Our restaurant reviewers conduct a fair and accurate audit of your team and report their findings directly to you, including the quality of food, customer service, friendliness, and everything else that makes up the dining experience.
When our team goes through their restaurant auditing duties, evaluating the different locations of your hospitality franchises requires our restaurant auditors to have a clear list of what they’re looking for. We provide our hospitality secret shoppers with defined restaurant surveys that coincide with your established brand guidelines and operating procedures.
As our restaurant auditors conduct their visit, they take the time to evaluate every aspect of your locations and examine which ones perform the best and which ones could use some additional help. As they fill out their restaurant surveys, you will receive a detailed report of how each location underwent its restaurant evaluation. You can formulate a strategy based on those findings to improve the areas that most need it.
When making the right choice among the various hospitality mystery shopping companies on the market, you want to have the most detailed and comprehensive view possible of your teams. With 360 Relay in your corner, you know that your various locations and staff will be evaluated fairly and thoroughly to help identify where they are succeeding and which areas can see improvement.
If you are ready to start a hospitality secret shopper program, don’t wait! Contact the 360 Relay team to get the most comprehensive look at your teams today!