Asset 22

Core Value Spotlight: Integrity in Everything We Do


It all starts with integrity.

In order to perform at our best as a team, we all need to be open and honest with each other as well as our clients and shoppers. This is a requirement for all 360 Intel team members.

In terms of the service we offer, integrity plays an extremely important role. Since our clients count on us to provide them with an unbiased perspective of their customer experience, we have built an entire process to make sure that is the case at all times.

Each employee at 360 Intel is vital to the creation and execution of every mystery shop:

  • The program starts with the client team – They work to help create instructions, requirements, and a questionnaire to target what each client is looking to evaluate.
  • The team of shop coordinators helps to schedule and coach each shopper through the process to execute a successful visit.
  • The submitted shop report then arrives at the Quality Assurance team. This team reviews each report to make sure all requirements are met, and that the comments match up with the scoring.

In addition to holding ourselves accountable to this important value, we look to work with shoppers and clients that prioritize integrity within their value system as well. We believe strongly in all of our core values, and this one is particularly important.