Asset 22
Fitness Facility Shop Spotlight

Fitness Facility Shop Spotlight

As a mystery shopper with 360 Relay, you have opportunities to do a lot of different types of shops across a plethora of unique industries. While our primary focus has always been in the hospitality space, we have been adding more and more fitness facilities to our client portfolio, and you have most likely seen these shops on our job board. When new shop types pop up that you may not be familiar with, it is essential to ask questions to understand what the purpose of these shops is, so you know what you are looking for when you venture out on your shops. 

Below are some of the main concentrations of fitness facility mystery shops:

Phone Presence  

Before visiting a fitness facility, potential members will often call the location first to obtain more information. Our clients want to make sure that their employees are engaging the potential customer in a way that offers them enough information to cover the basics, but as to not overwhelm them with too much detail from the initial call. 

Facility Cleanliness

This refers to the exterior, interior, any restrooms or locker rooms, equipment, cleaning stations, retail space, and any other amenities in the facility. 

Brand Standards 

Most of our fitness facility clients have multiple locations, and brand standards and consistency are incredibly critical. They want to ensure that their staff is promoting the club in the proper way, dressed to company standard, using the appropriate brand terminology, and accurately conveying what their facility has to offer in terms of amenities and membership plans. 

Customer Service and Sales Technique

Our clients want to ensure their employees are portraying themselves in a professional manner at all times, asking appropriate questions of their potential members, and that they recognize potential sales opportunities in terms of signing up guests for long-term memberships.  

As a fitness facility, mystery shopping is a more specialized shop, compared to a quick-serve shop which really does not have any demographics in place; it is vital to understand how you can best set yourself up to complete this type of shop if it is not a shop you have experience in completing. If you decide to do these types of shops, you need to portray yourself as someone who is genuinely interested in signing up for a gym membership and be prepared that you may be asked questions about your fitness history and any health issues you may have that may affect your ability to work out. 

Completing fitness facility shops is a great way to make extra cash as they differ from the traditional shop in that there is rarely ever a purchase required. We recommend that you look into these shops as they come up on the job board, and as always, please contact us if you have any questions about this shop type or would like to become a mystery shopper.