Asset 22
How To Create Action with Mystery Shops

How To Create Action with Mystery Shops

A good mystery shop report will provide you with a lot of information. It can give details about the cleanliness and atmosphere of your store, the level of customer service, the overall quality of your product, and many other items. However, the information alone will not generate any improvement in your operation – It comes down to what you do with it.

At 360 Relay, we’ve seen a wide variety of approaches when it comes to taking the data and leveraging it for growth and success. You can implement bonus and training programs based on the shop scores and create company buy-in using other methods as well.

In this post, we’d like to focus on a specific feature that is available within our reporting dashboard (at no additional cost) that can be used to generate follow-up actions based on individual reports: The Compliance Module

The compliance module is an optional tool that can be toggled on and off in your program by communicating with our team. Here’s how it works:

  • Once a report is approved that needs action – log in to Dashboard >> Hover over Mystery Shop >> Select COMPLIANCE
  • Reports that require action or follow-up are indicated by a RED X
  • Use the EYE ICON to select the report needing a comment
  • Under the Section Scores on the report you are viewing, any assigned users can comment on the next steps. When a comment is added, it will send a message to everyone on the report distribution.
  • Others can participate in the exchange and once Management is satisfied that the proper actions have been taken, they can click Clear Compliance Requirement and change the icon to Green.

This tool gives our clients the ability to create tasks for their team and track them until they are resolved. Whether it is a light bulb that needs to be changed or a staff issue that needs to be addressed, the compliance module provides the organized and flexible framework that is necessary.

Did I mention it’s free? Contact us today to learn more!