Our shopper help desk, scheduling, and editing teams are always here to answer any questions you have regarding your mystery shops; in fact, our team operates seven days a week to ensure you receive timely responses to any inquires you may have. The most common questions we receive are regarding mystery shop payments. While payment information is outlined in our mystery shopper agreement, shopper contract, and within each individual set of shop instructions, it’s also helpful to have a centralized location to get all of your payment questions answered.
Mystery Shop Payment FAQs
Below are some of the most common inquires we receive and answers to these frequently asked mystery shop payment questions:
When will I be paid?
Our payment terms are 25 days, meaning you will be issued payment for your successfully completed shop within 25 days of the date it was completed. You will receive a notification once your shop has been paid.
My shop was more than 25 days ago, why haven’t I been paid?
If the time frame has surpassed 25 days and you haven’t seen payment for a shop that was approved in our system, then there is an issue with your iSecretShop account. You either haven’t signed the iSecretShop Terms of Use, you haven’t signed the 360 Relay Shopper Contract, or you don’t have a valid PayPal email on file. These items can be quickly resolved within your iSecretShop account. If you have any issues finding the contract, TOU, or where to update your PayPal email, you can contact the Shopper Help Desk, and they will be able to assist you.
It shows that I was paid in iSecretShop, but I don’t see the payment in my PayPal account.
If your shop is showing as “paid” in iSecretShop, yet you didn’t receive the payment, there is most likely an issue with your PayPal account, which is disallowing payments to be made. If this is the case, you will have to contact PayPal directly; you can reach out to the Shopper Help Desk, and they will be able to provide you with a transaction ID.
Is there any way I can get paid quicker?
Our time frame is 25 days — for every shop we conduct — and we can’t make any exceptions. Once a shop is approved by our editing team, it is then sent to the client, and we give them time to review and approve before we can provide final consent and issue payment.
Why does it say “not paid” within the payment tab of the app?
We understand this terminology can be a little misleading. What this means is that it hasn’t been paid “yet.” Not paid = payment is pending; your shop was accepted and will be paid within the 25-day time frame.
How will I be paid?
All of our payments are processed through PayPal. You must have a valid PayPal email on file to be paid. You can confirm your PayPal email is correct by logging into your iSecretShop account and clicking on “update extended profile.”
It’s essential that we ensure all shoppers are paid in a timely manner. If you ever have any other questions about shop payments, our payment process, or anything else in regard to your mystery shops, please visit our resources page or reach out to our team today!