Asset 22

Shopper Login

Welcome back!

Thank you for being a valuable part of our team of mystery shoppers. Click on the “Shopper Login” button below to login into our partner site, There you can access your shopper account to search for new assignments or to submit a completed report.

Shopper Login

Forget your login or need other shopper support? Contact the Shopper Help Desk.

Things to Remember

  • Schedule Assignments

    After logging in to your account, you may view available shops by clicking “Available Shops”. On the following screen, you can dictate the radius you want to search for available visits.

  • Submit Completed Reports

    Please disable all pop-up blockers and only use Internet Explorer or Firefox to submit shop reports. Be sure to click “save and close” after completing each section. After all sections are complete, you will be able to ‘finalize’ your shop. Once you click finalize, it’s submitted. Note, a shop is only considered complete, once you have finalized it. When you finalize and submit your report,  you will receive a confirmation email. If you have not received this email, then your shop has not been submitted.

  • Receipts

    A valid receipt must be submitted with ALL reports and is required for payment. Payment will NOT be processed without a valid receipt. Receipts must be uploaded with your shop report online. Storage of receipts is the sole responsibility of each shopper.

  • Payment

    Please check your profile and ensure that we have your correct PayPal email address. You can expect to receive payment within 30-45 days of submitting a valid shop report AND receipt. Please send an email to with any questions or to update your payment information.

  • Taxes

    To be compliant with IRS laws, shoppers are required to submit a completed and accurate W-9 form if over $599 is earned with 360 Relay during the calendar year. Failure to provide a W-9 form once $599 or more is earned will result in a hold of additional payments until the W-9 form is provided to 360 Relay by the shopper. If you receive less than $600 annually from our company, you will not receive an end of year tax form.

  • Airports

    We have clients with locations in airports throughout the country that need to be shopped. Please let us know if you will be flying in the near future and what airports you will be traveling through by emailing