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Dashboard Feature Spotlight: Editing Rights

Dashboard Feature Spotlight: Editing Rights

Many of our clients don’t take full advantage of all the features and benefits housed in our reporting dashboard. So far, we’ve covered a variety of them already in previous blog posts, such as:

Four Services, Four Unique Perspectives, One Online Dashboard

Leveraging the Missed Report for Your Mystery Shop Program

How Taking Images During a Mystery Shop Can Help You Gain Insight

Are You Using the Internal Notes Reporting Feature?

Get More Value From Your Data


Today, we’d like to present another feature that has become increasingly popular lately: the ability for client dashboard users to be granted editing rights for their mystery shop reports. While we take great pride in our Quality Assurance process for internally reviewing every shop report submitted, there may be some differences of opinion from time to time regarding the scoring for certain questions on a report. Clients always have the option to contact us in those situations to have reports rescored, but we also can allow clients to make these changes on their own if they desire.

If you are interested in testing out this feature for your program, just email our Client Help Desk team at and let us know which users should be granted access. We can restrict access by certain questions on the form or keep it open for every question. Once given access, just log into the dashboard and pull up the ‘responses’ page under the ‘mystery shop’ dropdown. You will notice a little pencil icon over to the right of each shop. By clicking this icon, you will enter the editing view and be able to make any adjustments that you’d like. From there, click save to update the report.

As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions about this dashboard feature or any others!