Asset 22
Team Appreciation Post

Team Appreciation Post

This week marks the 16-year work anniversary for an incredibly important member of the 360 family: Randi Hardiman.

Randi was hired right out of college to help build and run the mystery shopping division of Goodwin Hospitality (our former company name). Little did she know that she was about to begin a long and successful journey here. With an endless work ethic, attention to detail, and tremendous pride in everything she does, Randi has continually solidified her unofficial title as “the one that keeps the trains running on time.”

From company strategy to hiring/training/managing our team to sales and execution, Randi makes her mark on just about everything we do as a company each day. Most of our clients are unaware of her direct impact on their programs so I wanted to take this opportunity to recognize her loyalty and achievements and express my sincere gratitude for all her contributions over the years.

Randi’s knowledge base in the mystery shopping world is second to none. She has helped to create and run programs in virtually every industry across all company sizes, with a wide variety of use cases. She has always worked hard to cultivate relationships with our shopper community while being fair and holding our shoppers accountable for a high level of performance on behalf of our clients’ best interests – Not an easy task! Randi has also invested the time to truly master the Prism reporting dashboard system, constantly finding new ways to deliver valuable insights to our clients, as well as streamline internal tasks.

Additionally, as our company has grown and changed over the years, she has adapted and responded to every challenge with professionalism and grace. Her willingness to step outside her comfort zone and try new things has helped propel us forward as a team. Personally, she has been a big asset to me and my own development over the years that I’ve been here, and we have built a great partnership together. I look forward to many more years ahead.


We wouldn’t be the company we are today without Randi – Thank you for everything you do for us!

-Kurt Eddins, President